Keeping Your Art Studio Neat and Tidy

Is keeping your art studio clean and organized a challenge? You might think, “How do other artists manage to keep their work space neat and tidy?”

Creating art definitely implies making some (or a lot) of mess, but this shouldn’t mean that your work space should be in constant state of chaos too. As an artist, your studio is the extension of yourself at work and just as you love taking care of yourself, so should you in your own creative space.

Here are some handy tips to keep your art studio clean and organized:

Donate stuff you don’t use

The first step in keeping your art space organized is to get rid of all the things you no longer need or use. Let go of your hoarding tendencies and donate any unused paint, brushes, and other arts and crafts supplies to elementary schools, community centers, churches, etc.

Keep it mind, it’s best to donate locally.

But make sure that the supplies you give away can actually be used. Paint brushes with dried up paint aren’t that useful for anyone, so when you’re purging your supplies, have at least two piles – one for rubbish and the other to donate.

Use containers for your tools

Store pencils, pens, markets, and paint brushes in mason jars or metal buckets. There are all sorts of cheap containers that you can buy locally and you wouldn’t have to spend much. These containers make sure that your art tools are easy to find.

Store works of progress in a designated place

If you have several unfinished projects that are waiting to be completed, you should make sure that you still have free room for other projects that you are going to work on. Put up shelves to store and protect these unfinished artworks and cover them with flat plastic to keep dust and lint off your work.

Use vertical storage

If your studio is cramped for space, vertical storage will do wonders. Install shelving that go all the way up to the ceiling. Pegboards are also great for taking advantage of wall space which are very useful for hanging tools and paint buckets.

Use bins and boxes for larger items

Utilize separate containers for different supplies. Keep watercolor paints, brushes and papers together in a box so you can easily find them you need them.

Keep it clean

Once you already have a system in place for organizing all art supplies and projects that you’re working on, put some effort in maintaining it. At the end of the day spend some time to clear off your workspace and put everything back in its proper spot.

As they say, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.”

If you’re renting your home art studio and you’re ready to move out, you may need the help of professionals in making your apartment spotless. You want to make sure you get rid of unsightly paint so you can get your deposit back from your landlord before moving out. Services like bond back cleaning Melbourne will surely get the job done!